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    Zuger Kantonalbank

    ZugerKB Access


    ZugerKB Access switch

    With the implementation of the new application, the login procedure for e-banking will change. The upcoming transition from the Cronto app to the ZugerKB Access app will further improve your security.

    Preparation for the switch to ZugerKB Access

    You can already prepare for the change now. Install the ZugerKB Access app on your smartphone so that you are ready to go on the day of the switch.

    Instructions: migration e-banking login (PDF/1.1MB)
    Install app now

     What does 2FA mean?

    Two-factor authentication (2FA) is like an extra lock for your data. It confirms your identity by combining two different things that only you have or know. It's like needing two keys to open a door - it's more secure and better protects against unwanted guests.

    An important part of this process is the ZugerKB Access App. This replaces the existing Cronto Sign Swiss app. This app acts as your second "key". You use it together with your normal login details to log in to your e-banking account. It's a simple step for you, but a big step for the security of your data. With the ZugerKB Access app, your data is even more secure.

     The process of the changeover

    The changeover is not a big deal. Below you will find a step-by-step guide to all the actions you need to perform when switching:

    Important if you use several E-Banking contracts: The contracts are migrated step by step. Therefore, do not delete the "Cronto Sign Swiss" app until all your contracts have been migrated.

    Arrange appointment

    Do you have questions about the changeover? Please get in touch with us.