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    Zuger Kantonalbank

    Financial Services Act (FinSA)

    The new Financial Services Act (FinSA; German abbreviation: FIDLEG) entered into force on 1 January 2020. FinSA regulates the provision of financial services and the selling of financial instruments. FinSA aims to introduce greater and more sustainable protection of investors’ interests.

    Zuger Kantonalbank made use of the two-year transition period and is FinSA-compliant as of 1 January 2022. During these two years it undertook an in-depth review of its financial services and made adjustments where necessary, informing its customers of these changes in good time.

    FinSA mainly applies to the following areas:

    • Strengthening of investor protection
    • Transparency of financial products
    • Revision of organisational requirements for the provision of financial services

    What is important for you as a client of Zuger Kantonalbank?