Asset management – your carefree package
With our asset management service, you mandate us to manage your assets in line with the investment strategy we draw up together.
Your perfect investment solution
Find out which investment solution best suits your needs.
1) Zuger Kantonalbank reserves the right not to comply with investment instructions.
2) Equity mandate ESG Switzerland: CHF 1,000,000.–, Equity mandate ESG Emerging Markets: CHF 100,000.–, all other equity mandates: CHF 500,000.–
With an asset management mandat you profit from the following advantages:
- Personal advisor
- Portfolio management by Zuger Kantonalbank
- Annual portfolio discussion
- Half-yearly asset statement
- An investment strategy tailored to your personal circumstances
- Systematic monitoring of your investment portfolio
- Earnings optimisation in accordance with your risk profile
- Continuous, structured investment process
- Calculable and transparent prices
The Zuger Kantonalbank fulfils the Global Investments Performance Standards (GIPS®).

Zuger Kantonalbank claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). Within the meaning of the GIPS® Standard, the company Zuger Kantonalbank comprises all centralised portfolio management mandates of private and institutional clients that are managed by the Investment Center of Zuger Kantonalbank at its head office in Zug. A list of all composites and presentations may be requested from Zuger Kantonalbank, Bahnhofstrasse 1, AKIC, CH-6300 Zug. GIPS® is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.
Disclaimer: The information published on this ZugerKB website is for marketing purposes. Further legal information