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    Investment strategies

    Investment profiles and strategies

    The investment strategies differ in terms of the expected risks and returns, depending upon the market environment and asset allocation. In the current environment the equity ratio is high, according to the selected strategy. The current earnings from the invested assets are automatically reinvested, thus contributing towards the capital gains. The following investment strategies are available:


    This investment strategy focuses on the preservation of assets and aims to minimise investment risk as much as possible. It is primarily based on investments in bonds and a small allocation to Swiss real estate. This strategy only has a small equity allocation.

    You are a risk-averse investor who is primarily interested in capital preservation and only wants to accept small value fluctuations.


    This investment strategy focuses on the preservation of assets and aims to keep the overall investment risk as small as possible. It is primarily based on investments in bonds and a small allocation to Swiss real estate. This strategy has an equity allocation of almost one-third.

    You are a security-conscious investor who wants to keep fluctuations in the value of the portfolio as small as possible but is prepared to accept some price fluctuations in return for higher yield expectations on average.


    This investment strategy offers a balanced exposure to bond and equity investments. Investors have to accept fluctuations in value in order to participate in the long-term yield opportunities offered by the markets.

    You are an investor who is prepared to accept price fluctuations for higher expected returns in a balanced portfolio.


    This investment strategy focuses more on equity investments. Investors have to accept fluctuations in value in order to participate in the long-term yield opportunities offered by the markets. Equities are weighted heavily, which leads to a high average yield expectancy in the long-term but also means substantial fluctuations in value. Less importance is given to stability.

    You are a speculative investor who is able to accept bigger price fluctuations. A long-term investment horizon is required.


    This investment strategy has a clear focus on equities. Investors have to accept substantial fluctuations in value in order to participate in the long-term yield opportunities offered by the markets. Equities are weighted heavily, which leads to a high average yield expectancy in the long-term but also means substantial fluctuations in value. Much less importance is given to stability.

    You are a highly speculative investor who is able to accept the biggest price fluctuations. A long-term investment horizon is required.

    Which investment strategy suits you best?

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    To investor analysis

    A horizon full of opportunities

    Your local partner with a global mindset – welcome to Private Banking.

    Further information

    Change of perspective

    Responsible investment: a new opportunity for a promising investment strategy.

    Further information

    Five steps to creating your personal risk profile:

    1. Your risk capacity, i.e. the extent to which you as an investor can afford to take risks
    2. Your risk appetite, i.e. the importance to you of attaining your various investment goals
    3. Your knowledge of and experience with financial instruments
    4. Your interest in the topic of “sustainability” in the context of your bank transactions
    5. Definition of your risk profile

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